Colorado Trial Lawyer Podcast: $3M Traumatic Brain Injury Verdict for Pedestrian

The surge in pedestrian fatalities remains a significant concern, with recent NHTSA statistics revealing a 21% increase from 2019 to 2020—the highest levels since 1990. Contributing factors like distracted driving, higher vehicle speeds, and deficient pedestrian infrastructure exacerbate this alarming trend. This underscores the urgent need for comprehensive interventions to address this public health crisis.

In a recent episode of "Colorado Trial Lawyer Connection," attorneys Dan D’Angelo and Tyrone Glover spotlighted a compelling case involving a Denver resident who was struck in a crosswalk, resulting in a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Led by civil rights attorney Glover and co-counsel, the legal team's exhaustive investigative efforts, coupled with Glover's deep trial advocacy experience and proficiency, secured a nearly $3 million verdict in Denver District Court. This legal triumph not only validates the struggles of those with mild TBIs but also highlights broader concerns about pedestrian safety, emphasizing the urgent need for action to prevent further tragedies.


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